Four Key Practices in Ignatian Spirituality Course
The activity of God is everywhere and always present, but it is visible only to the eyes of faith. This course has encouraged me to seek and see the Lord first in my day. This new approach made so much sense to me and filled me with hope! Want to thank the resource people of this course who conducted all the sessions so compassionately. The break out rooms gave space to all individuals and enhanced the confidence of the participants too.
Course Facilitators
This group (Group 1) is facilitated by Jacquie McCabe, Head of Ignatian Ethos at Saint Ignatius College, Athelstone, Australia, Anne Slingo, Religious Education Leader, and Ignatian Formator, Xavier School, Melbourne, Australia, and Michael Tod, Ignatian Coordinator at Saint Ignatius College, Geelong, Australia. The course is coordinated by Educate Magis.(
Self Examen
As we get prepared to settle ourselves for self examen ,let us relax ourselves and sit back.
Take a comfortable posture and close your eyes. Be aware of God's presence around you .
Take a minute to stop and to be with God in silence. Remember that you are in God's
presence. God is present in you and in the world around you. Look back on the day and note
the times you felt God was with you, assisting. Feel God with you now and ask to become
more conscious of God's presence. Lord I possess nothing, I owe you everything. My very
self is your gift. The deeper my life in you becomes, the more stuck by a goodness to me. I
thank you for your infinite goodness and love.
Let us look back with gratitude and review the past 24 hours and notice what you are thankful
for. What happened with you to make you feel blessed? Let us take a moment to thank for
providing you these blessings. Reflect on the opportunities and the challenges you faced: how
did you respond to them? Pay attention to any strong emotions you felt positive or negative.
What caused these feelings? How did you respond to them? In Silence ask God to speak into
the events of the day. What drew you closer to God ?What pulled me away from God? Lord
has a look back towards the circumstances events and persons of my day let me see how you
have loved me and invited me to love you. As I look back over my feelings, thoughts and
actions, let me see whether I have welcomed your Love readily and loved others discerningly.
We often rush through each day, not pausing to reflect. Doing a deep, honest reflection of the
past day causes us to learn more about ourself and improve our future actions.
Focus on the moment during the day where you sinned or failed to do good. Allow yourself
to experience sorrow for your sins and failings. Express your sorrow to God and ask
forgiveness. You might find something God is directing you to work on-an emotion, a
relationship that needs mending ,an unpleasant situation. Pray for it and ask God's guidance to
resolve it.
Start focussing on your breath now. It is a beautiful way to find serenity in the storm. Focus
on your breath has incredible way of bringing us right here in the present moment. It
transports us to here and now . Inhale deeply and feel the cool breeze around you. Relax your
shoulders and let go of any tension through your body. Focus on the rise and fall of your
breath as you inhale and exhale fully. Fill yourself with peace and calm. Feel yourself
centering, balancing and becoming present.
As we are becoming present, thank God for His creations and the gift of breath in me . Thank
God for being alive. Communicate with the Almighty by breathing on His command.
Inhale… .. Exhale… Inhale… . Exhale… Dear God, I seek forgiveness for the times I have
been wrong . Lord, I m now ready to gently let go of all my blockages to restore my flow and
vitality. Inhale… exhale… take deep breath . Deeply cleansing and healing as it unveils the
light of our souls. Let your breath tell you, I am present, I am here, I m your breath. Feel the
lightness of your body, feel the awareness of your body.
Prepare yourself and think for the next day .What opportunities will you have to serve God
and love others? Pray that you will be aware of God's presence. Ask for God's grace to use
your reflections from today to grow in holiness tomorrow. Feel deep gratitude knowing that
god has already answer your prayers and tomorrow is already blessed. Take some deep
breaths and know that all is already well. Inhale…..Exhale….
Neelam Chopra
St.Xavier’s Sen.Sec.School